2. English Tract: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." (Acts 16:31)
<Reference>: Human structure (spirit,
soul, body) and the Order of Application of Salvation: spirit -->soul -->body
Human is composed of spirit, soul, and physical body (1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 4:12; Isaiah 57:15; Ezekiel 18:31; 1 Corinthians 14:15). So, salvation comes in three stages: Justification, sanctification, and glorification.
1. Justification (Salvation of the Spirit):
Justification means that our spirit (Spirit: Ephesians 2:1), who was dead because of the original sin inherited from the first man, Adam, is born again by the Holy Spirit, so that we believe in (receive) Jesus Christ and be justified (The original sin was cleansed and we have new spirit and good conscience: Ezekiel 36:26: 1 Timothy 1:5). By believing in Jesus Christ as our Savior, we become children of God and inherit the kingdom of heaven. Justification is past tense for believers (salvation is confirmed).
*** No one in this world (even religious leader) can be our savior. It is because everyone is a sinner from birth. However, Jesus is completely different. It is because Jesus is the fully God. He became the fully man and had no sin at all, so that He was able to shed his pure blood to atone for our sins and eventually became our savior.
2. Sanctification (Salvation of the Soul):
Sanctification means that our souls (Psalm 90:10), who have been polluted and corrupted by original sin, and who have lived in suffering (anxiety, fear, care, anxiety, doubt, anguish, despair), are gradually freed from suffering by the Holy Spirit (Psalm 90:10). When our hearts are baptized with the Holy Spirit and filled with the love of Jesus and the word of God, our emotions are at ease, our minds are transformed into holiness, and we stop following the lusts of the flesh but following the desires of God, and eventually our souls can be gradually sanctified. Sanctification is the present continuous tense for believers. (See Philippians 2:12: "...work out your salvation with fear and trembling.").
3. Glorification (Salvation of the Body):
The glorification is that because of the original sin our fallen body becomes weak and dies eventually(Ecclesiastes 12:1-8), but on the day of Jesus' second coming, our body will be resurrected to have a glorified body, just as Jesus was resurrected from the dead. (Resurrection: our body is transformed into an eternal body by the Holy Spirit in us Christians). Glorification is the future tense for believers. While we live on this earth, we can experience physical ailments, but we can be healed by relying on the atoning merit of the blood of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53:5; Matt 8:17; 1 Pet 2:24). We, who have been saved by the blood of Jesus, should not sin, but glorify God by worshiping God with all our hearts and preaching Jesus Christ to our neighbors (Romans 6:1-14; 1 Corinthians 6:20; 10:31).
Justification, sanctification, and glorification come only in Jesus and by the Holy Spirit.
<Answers to Muslim Misconceptions>:
Muslims do not believe in Jesus as their Savior and Lord because of the following misconceptions about Christianity:
1. Muslims believe that the Bible was changed because the Qur'an is inconsistent with the Bible.
However, think about it. Is the Qur'an, written 600 years after the Bible, the original? Or is the Bible the original? That is why the Qur'an also says: "If you have any doubts about what We have revealed to you, O Muhammad, ask those who have read the Book that was before you. The Bible is the only book in the world that can be trusted because the Word of God revealed in the Bible can never be changed and the Bible is inerrant."
2. Muslims mistakenly believe that Christians worship three gods.
However, we cannot change the truth of God and must accept it only by faith. God is one in essence, but exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Only true faith can accept that fact.
3. Muslims believe that God cannot have a son.
However, “Son of God” describes the relationship between God the Father and the Son.
4. Muslims believe that Jesus is not God.
However, the fact that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary proves that Jesus is God incarnate. Jesus was righteous, sinless, and the many miracles he performed prove that Jesus is God.
5. Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified for our sins.
This is because they believe that it is unreasonable for one person to bear the sins of another (i.e., Muslims believe that Jesus’ atonement for us is not necessary).
Muslims think this way because they do not know that Jesus is not a creature like us, but the Creator, and they do not know that salvation can never be obtained by any of our good deeds. However, we are sinners by nature, and we are destined to go to hell as the price of our sins. Therefore, Jesus, as the Creator, sacrificed His own body to atone for our sins and allow us to accept Him as our Savior and Lord. As a result, Jesus makes us born again as children of God and leads us to heaven.
1. "The God of Trinity and the gospel of Jesus Christ."
Please click the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DaBmlD5L5e6St9T1Q89tyi6IG8EyIe13/view?usp=drive_link
2. Differences between the
Roman Catholic and the Protestant doctrines of salvation: Click the following link.
3. The Salvation of God:
In the site below, there are 8 topics on the salvation of God. No.8 is "BRIDGE TO GOD" Presentation
and No.1 is a detailed explanation of "BRIDGE TO
GOD." Please click the site below to read all.
: Http://eternallifeforyou.blogspot.com
4. The Success and Failure in the Life of Faith(신앙생활의 성공과 실패): in English(영어) and Korean(한글)
It has Twelve articles with each title: The English texts are posted at the end of each article. If you click the link below, you can read from No. 12 to No.1.
이 안에는 열두가지 제목의 글들이 들어 있습니다(한글 & 영어). 영어 텍스트는 각각의 글의 맨 마지막에 있습니다. 아래의 링크를 클릭하시면 12번부터 1번까지의 글을 읽으실 수 있습니다:
This "Bridge to God" Presentation is written in several languages in
1. English, 2. Spanish (Lengua española), 3. Chinese (中文), 4. Japanese (日語), 5. Korean (한글), 6. French (Français), 7. Portuguese (Português), 8. Italian (Italiana), 9. Arabic (عربي), 10. Russian (Русский), 11. Turkish (Türkçe), 12. German (Deutsch), 13. Hebrew (עִברִית), and 14. Greek (Ελληνικά).
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